Kehillat Israel Podcasts
Torah study, sermons and seminars on Jewish topics presented at Kehillat Israel, the largest Reconstructionist congregation in the world.
About the show
Recordings of the weekly Friday morning Torah study class at Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades, California as well as other events at K.I. including sermons, classes and public events.
Kehillat Israel is an inclusive Jewish synagogue community, which honors diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. Grounded in Jewish cultural and religious tradition, and guided by the core Reconstructionist principle to value both the wisdom of the past and the need for evolving belief and practice, KI seeks through prayer, learning and Tikkun Olam to create a sacred space in which its members of all ages may find meaning, purpose and joy.
Kehillat Israel Podcasts on social media
Pesach - God Controls All... Or Not?
April 2nd, 2021 | 1 hr 4 mins
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 13:17-15:26 - April 2, 2021
Tzav II: Ethics vs Ritual... Or Not?
March 26th, 2021 | 58 mins 29 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Leviticus 7:11-38 - March 26, 2021
Vayikra II: Coping With Moral Pollution - Personal and Communal
March 19th, 2021 | 1 hr 33 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Leviticus 3:1-4:26 - March 19, 2021
Texting: The Jewish Way with Rabbi Michael Strassfeld - Session 3
March 17th, 2021 | 1 hr 29 mins
The topic for this session: What are my responsibilities toward other people and what are the necessary limits of my responsibilities to others?
The study of Torah is to be a lifelong enterprise. We do it not just to master the text or to learn how to perform the rituals of Judaism. Studying the texts is to help us encounter the challenges and opportunities of life. Hence texting (that is studying) is the Jewish way to live life to its fullest. In this class we will study and discuss some stories and texts from the Talmud as a way to explore issues both personal and societal in contemporary life.
This session was conducted via Zoom on March 17, 2021. Rabbi Strassfeld was introduced by Amy Bernstein, Senior Rabbi of Kehillat Israel.
Vayakhel II: The Dwelling Place of God
March 12th, 2021 | 48 mins 11 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 37:17-39:21 - March 12, 2021
Ki Tisa II: The Golden Calf - What Was/Is The Sin?
March 5th, 2021 | 55 mins 2 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 31:18-33:11 - March 5, 2021
Tetzaveh and Purim: The Power of Clothes and Masks
February 26th, 2021 | 56 mins 20 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 28:31-29:18 - February 26, 2021
Terumah II: Building A Home For God And Us
February 19th, 2021 | 49 mins 36 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom with guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Exodus 26:1-30 - February 19, 2021
Mishpatim II: Improving The World In Partnership With God
February 12th, 2021 | 1 hr 10 mins
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 21:22-23:19 - February 12, 2021
Texting: The Jewish Way with Rabbi Michael Strassfeld - Session 2
February 10th, 2021 | 1 hr 22 mins
The topic for this session: Does Judaism proclaim some fundamental truths? What about "my truth" drawn from my own experience?
The study of Torah is to be a lifelong enterprise. We do it not just to master the text or to learn how to perform the rituals of Judaism. Studying the texts is to help us encounter the challenges and opportunities of life. Hence texting (that is studying) is the Jewish way to live life to its fullest. In this class we will study and discuss some stories and texts from the Talmud as a way to explore issues both personal and societal in contemporary life.
This session was conducted via Zoom on February 10, 2021. Rabbi Strassfeld was introduced by Amy Bernstein, Senior Rabbi of Kehillat Israel.
Yitro: Justice, Compromise and Peace
February 5th, 2021 | 56 mins 59 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 18:1-20:23 - February 5, 2021
Beshalach II: Coping With Fear
January 29th, 2021 | 58 mins 35 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 14:15-16:10 - January 29, 2021
Texting: The Jewish Way with Rabbi Michael Strassfeld - Session 1
January 27th, 2021 | 1 hr 23 mins
The topic for this session: Hillel vs. Shammai.
The study of Torah is to be a lifelong enterprise. We do it not just to master the text or to learn how to perform the rituals of Judaism. Studying the texts is to help us encounter the challenges and opportunities of life. Hence texting (that is studying) is the Jewish way to live life to its fullest. In this class we will study and discuss some stories and texts from the Talmud as a way to explore issues both personal and societal in contemporary life.
This session was conducted via Zoom on January 27, 2021. Rabbi Strassfeld is introduced was Amy Bernstein, Senior Rabbi of Kehillat Israel.
Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World - What the Talmud Can Teach us Today - Class 4
January 26th, 2021 | 52 mins 16 secs
Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben discusses some fascinating ideas and conversations among the ancient rabbis gleaned from the pages of the Talmud. Written over 1500 years ago, the conversations continue to provide direction, inspiration and wisdom to illuminate the challenges we face in the 21st century. They include living through a world-wide pandemic, wrestling with issues of social equalitu, the role of women, inequality in the disposition of justice , and finding meaning and purpose in our lives.
This class took place via Zoom on January 26, 2021.
Bo II: Hardening The Heart
January 22nd, 2021 | 58 mins 38 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Exodus 11:4-12:28 - January 22, 2021
Vaera II: The Plagues - Science, Faith and Fear
January 15th, 2021 | 53 mins 3 secs
Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Exodus 7:8-8:15 - January 15, 2021